World lgbt Movement

Russia Finland Austria aly Sweden many Hungary Romania Bulgaria Turkey Poland Belarus Ukraine zech. Rep. Slovakia Greece Cyprus Albania Moldova Lithuania Latvia Estonia & Herz. Croatiaenia Fyrom Kenya Ethiopia Eritrea Sudan South Sudan Egypt er ia Somalia Namibia Libya Chad South Africa Tanzania Dem. Rep. of the Congo Angola Madagascar Mauritius Mozambique Botswana Zambia abon Central African Republic nisia Malta Uganda Swaziland Lesotho Malawi Burundi Rwanda roon Zimbabwe Congo Djibouti Jordan Israel Gaza Lebanon ArmeniaAzerb. Georgia Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Kuwait Qatar U. A. E. Yemen Syria Iraq Iran Oman Saudi Arabia Afghanistan Pakistan India China Kazakhstan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Thailand Cambodia Nepal Bhutan Vietnam Sri Lanka Lao Bangladesh Malaysia Singapore Papua New Guinea Brunei Philippines Japan Mongolia South Korea North Korea Australia Vanuatu Cook Islands Palau Solomon Islands Fiji Comoros Samoa Tonga Norfolk Island Serbia Timor-Leste Indonesia Myanmar Maldives Seychelles Tuvalu Nauru Kiribati Taiwan Aceh Province South Sumatra Australian Capital Territory Victori New South Wales Kos. Mont. Bahrain NO SPECIFIC LEGISLATION PROTECTION ANTI-DISCRIMINATION LAWS 57 countries and 82 entities* Countries which introduced laws prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation WORLDWIDE LGBT MOVEMENT: FROM LOCAL PRACTICES TO GLOBAL POLITICS. INFORMATION BROCHURESAY NO TO HATE ▪ SAY NO DISCRIMINATION ▪ SAY NO TO HOMOPHOBIA STOP HOMOPHOBIA IN RUSSIA NOW! Discrimination and violence against the LGBT community in Russia is real and on the rise. Intolerance and open expressions of hate towards those with a different sexual orientation or gender identity is taken as a given, allowing to go unpunished by the law. Laws against the so-called: “propaganda of homosexuality” are enforce in 8 regions of Russia: Ryazan, Archangel, Saint Petersburg, Kostroma, Novosibirsk, Magadan, Samara and Krasnodarsk and under discussion in many others. The human rights of LGBT persons in Russia are being infringed on and flagrantly abused on a daily basis. Homophobia is destructive and in its worst form it can bruise, beat and even kill LGBT people. It’s time to take action. JOIN OUR CAMPAIGN SPEAK OUT – make a video address that will be uploaded through our resources as to why to say: “NO to HOMOPHOBIA.” BE INFORMED – come to our events and take part in our workshops, debates, discussions and screenings. Know the facts. Educate yourself on the issues! SPREAD THE WORD – pass on your knowledge. Tell your family, friends and colleagues. Distribute our flyers and brochures. STAND UP & PROTEST – when you see homophobic behavior – a joke or a remark for example - don’t stay silent. Speak up and complain, make homophobic behavior shameful. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN SAY NO TO HOMOPHOBIA ▪ SAY NO TO HATE ▪ SAY NO DISCRIMINATION 3 CONTENTS Scott Long: “LGBTI People’s Rights in the New Millennium: Local to Global, Not the Other Way Around”……………………...........стр. 4 Nevin Öztop: “LGBT Situation in Turkey” ……........................……....стр. 13 Arsham Parsi: “LGBT Situation in Iran” …….……………...……….... стр. 17 Helen Talalaev, Eve Anijärv: “LGBT in Estonia” ......…..…….…..….стр. 25 Aliaj Eugert: “Alliance Against the Discrimination of LGBT in Albania”……………….…………...………..стр. 29 Alliance of Straights for LGBT Equality:“MANIFESTO - For Your Freedom and Ours!”St. Petersburg, Russia……………….стр. 34 Igor Kochetkov: “LGBT in Russia: Pride, Prejudice and Political Populism” ..........…………………………………………....стр. 36 We would like to thank all the writers and the translator Rachel Russell who took time and energy to contribute to this year’s 2012 brochure. Side by Side LGBT International Film Festival, St. Petersburg, 2012 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next >

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